Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Buehl 3 &4: Bridge the gaps!

In Buehl chapter three, I found the idea of match and mismatch with an author interesting, because I encounter all three types when I read a new text. I know that I will lose interest in a passage if I am not familiar with the concepts or terms that are used by the author. If this happens for a text I have to read for a class, I take forever to finish, or even attempt to finish the whole passage. In the end, I do not get anything out of the text. If I know just enough, I feel motivated enough to go look up the few terms that I do not know. Then, usually, I am able to read through the text and process the new concepts. It is worrying that teachers sometimes try to avoid the problem of having an academic knowledge gap by avoiding reading texts as much as possible, and just do activities or tell the information instead.

Buehl offers frontloading as a way to build the bridge across the academic knowledge gaps that can occur. It seems that frontloading can be diverse and flexible, as it can review old material and get students to pull in prior knowledge while being either quick or long. It sounds like it could even do some of the work a clinical interview does, as it allow a teacher to see what a student has heard before.

I would like to hear more about wide reading. How complex should the texts and articles offered to the students be when students are still learning basic terminology for ideas and concepts? Also, can media count as wide reading?

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